Ignoring legal challenges, public opposition, and science, the Trump Administration is rushing to finalize a rule to weaken the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
Big plans are moving forward to protect bird habitat and help local communities withstand stronger storms.
Even amidst the pandemic, Menunkatuck Audubon Society and its partners found a way to establish New Haven’s first native plant nursery.
Bird-friendly forest management can help birds that nest and raise their young in the woods.
Statement from National Audubon Society President and CEO, David Yarnold
As part of the Governor's Council on Climate Change, Audubon offers expertise on wetlands, rivers, environmental funding
September 28 - October 4 — Join Greenwich Audubon Center and friends around the globe for a week-long celebration of the fall raptor migration. Experience this phenomenon like never before—and enjoy 20+ online events!
Saltmarsh, seaside, and Nelson’s sparrows have been spotted in the re-established salt marsh habitat.