Our Mission and History
Audubon's Mission: To protect birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow. Audubon works throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. State programs, nature centers, chapters, and partners give Audubon an unparalleled wingspan that reaches millions of people each year to inform, inspire, and unite diverse communities in conservation action. A nonprofit conservation organization since 1905, Audubon believes in a world in which people and wildlife thrive.
Audubon Connecticut—a state office of the National Audubon Society—is one of Connecticut's premier conservation and environmental education organizations. With the support of its Board of Directors, our top-notch staff of seasoned professionals works hard to carry out the Audubon mission within the state—protecting birds, other wildlife, and their habitats.
National Audubon has had a presence in Connecticut dating back to 1943 with the opening of the Greenwich Audubon Center as the first National Audubon Society Nature Education Center in the country. Over the years, the National Audubon presence in Connecticut has grown to include three Audubon Centers and numerous sanctuaries.
Learn more about Audubon's rich history

More About Our Work
At Audubon, we envision a Connecticut with a rich and diverse natural heritage, where there is ample habitat for birds and other wildlife, where a majority of its people appreciate and participate in their natural environment, and whose children are educated and motivated to become the conservation leaders of tomorrow.
Audubon Connecticut owns and sustainably manages protected sanctuaries throughout the state. These special places serve as hubs for our conservation programs and provide opportunities for outdoor education programs, trails for birdwatching or nature walks, and places where communities can gather to learn, share knowledge, and take conservation action.
Audubon Connecticut is leading the way to a brighter future for birds, wildlife, and people by working statewide and with partners throughout the Atlantic Flyway to preserve habitat and protect bird species that are of state, national, and global concern.
Through our network of Education Centers and Nature Sanctuaries, Audubon Connecticut:
- Owns and protects more than 4,600 acres of land
- Develops and establishes land and habitat management best-practice standards and guidelines that are followed throughout our region
- Collaborates with partners and other states to protect large swaths of unfragmented forest
- Provides education programs designed to connect people with nature and build a culture of conservation
- Strives to reach one in four school children with top quality nature education opportunities
At our Legislature, Audubon Connecticut advocates for:
- Funding for wildlife management programs and open space land preservation
- Defending environmental laws
- Protecting families and the environment from harmful impacts of pesticides
- Curbing light pollution and halting the spread of invasive exotic species
Through our Important Bird Areas Program, Audubon Connecticut:
- Identified a network of more than 30 key areas for birds statewide
- Works with landowners; government agencies; and other conservation organizations to restore and protect important bird habitats
- Links Connecticut's Important Bird Areas with a national and global network of sites crucial to the long-term survival of bird species
Through our other Conservation Programs, Audubon Connecticut works with partner organizations and community groups across the state on local conservation issues.
The success of our conservation work depends on a diverse network of volunteers and supporters. Join us today and be a part of Connecticut’s most effective conservation team!
How you can help, right now
Get Involved
There are so many great ways you can get involved with Audubon Connecticut and make a difference for both the wildlife and the people who call Connecticut home.
Visit Our Centers
Connect with our nature centers in Greenwich, Sharon, and Southbury. Each unique center offers trails, educational resources, conservation opportunities, and more.
Support Us
Through land stewardship, science, education, and advocacy, Audubon Connecticut works across the state to preserve habitat and protect bird species that are of state, national, and global concern.