Community Science

Audubon Christmas Bird Count

Find a count near you and join us to contribute to the nation's longest-running community science bird project.
Downy Woodpecker Photo: Elizabeth Jaffin/Audubon Photography Awards
Downy Woodpecker Photo: Elizabeth Jaffin/Audubon Photography Awards
Community Science

Audubon Christmas Bird Count

Find a count near you and join us to contribute to the nation's longest-running community science bird project.

Audubon's 124th Christmas Bird Count will take place between Thursday, December 14, 2023 and Friday, January 5, 2024.   

Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is one of the longest-running wildlife censuses in the world. Each individual count takes place over the course of 24 hours, in a 15-mile-wide circle, and is led by a compiler responsible for organizing volunteers and submitting observations directly to Audubon. Participation is free and open to all!

Within each circle, participants tally all birds seen or heard that day—both the species count and the total numbers of each, to provide a clear idea of the health of that particular population.

Participants range from expert ornithologists to beginning birders, following established protocols to ensure consistent data collection. If your home is within the boundaries of a CBC circle, then you can stay at home and report the birds that visit your feeder on count day as long as you have made prior arrangement with the count compiler.

Have more questions? We have answers! Visit our FAQ page here.


Saturday, December 16

New Haven
Contact: Christopher Loscalzo,
Beginners welcome!

Woodbury-Roxbury CBC
Contact: Ken Elkins,
Beginners welcome!

Sunday, December 17

Greenwich-Stamford CBC
Contact: Cynthia Ehlinger,
More info here. Beginners welcome!

Trixie Strauss CBC - Led by Sharon Audubon Center
Contact: Eileen Fielding,
Register here. Beginners welcome!

Quinnipiac Valley CBC
Contact: Corrie Folsom-O'Keefe,
Beginners welcome!

Saturday, December 30

Guilford-Long Island Sound - Led by Menunkatuck Audubon Society
Compiler: John Picard,
You can also register to participate at Beginners welcome!

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